Can Head Cam Footage Be Relied on in Court?
In short yes head cam footage is permissible in a civil and criminal court although in a criminal court the way in which it is presented would vary.
In pursuing a civil case the video footage would be disclosed by your solicitor far in advance of a trial. This means that if you had supportive CCTV footage, liability is unlikely to remain in dispute and your lawyer should be able to settle the matter without the need for a trial.
In the absence of video footage, if a cyclist sustained injury as a result of a driver’s negligence, witness statements would be used and potentially accident reconstruction evidence to ascertain the most likely cause of the accident.
Head cam footage could result in you winning a case and avoiding a lengthy trial.
Cyclists should not be discouraged from pursuing a civil claim merely because the head cam did not catch the registration number. In cases where the third party responsible for an accident leaves the scene and remains untraced it is still possible to pursue a claim. At Cyclinglawyer, we have a special interest in untraced driver claims.