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How much compensation will I receive for a fractured leg?

To value claims the courts use a book called the JCG Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages, which are published every two years, and which reflect awards across the country. This sets out injuries by type and by severity. The more severe the injury the more you get.

For leg fractures, awards vary significantly from £127,530.00 to £8,550.00. Where there has been a simple fracture of the tibia or fibula with a complete recovery, an award of less than £8,550.00 is likely to be justified. The level of award will be influenced by time spent in plaster and the length of the recovery period.

The level of award within the category will depend upon a number of factors including the severity of the original injury, time spent in plaster, the degree of pain experienced, the extent of any treatment required in the past or in the future, the impact of the symptoms on your ability to function in everyday life and engage in social/recreational activities, and the prognosis for the future.

Medical evidence is crucial to determine where your injuries fall within the bracket and of course there is the claim for accident associated financial losses to consider.

If you have sustained injury as a result of a cycling accident, call one of our specialist cycling lawyers now, on 01446 794199.

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