Should I accept an early offer to settle my claim?
I was injured in a cycling accident 3 weeks ago and the third-party insurer has made an offer to settle, how do I know if I should accept the offer?
We recommend that you contact a solicitor that specialises in cycling injury claims, they will be able to advise in relation to whether or not the offer should be accepted.
In our experience, early offers that are received before the Claimant has had time to fully investigate their claim, rarely account for all of the losses that the injured party ultimately incurs. Accepting such an offer could therefore result in an under settlement.
Medical evidence is required to enable lawyers to accurately value the amount of compensation that a client is entitled to for their pain, suffering and loss of amenity.
The financial losses that a client has incurred as a result of the accident can only be accurately valued when we have a definitive prognosis from independent medical experts.
If the accident occurred just 3 weeks ago, it is unlikely that there is sufficient evidence available to value the claim at this stage.