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Brain & Head Injury Claims

Cyclists are particularly vulnerable to head injuries and while helmets offer some level of protection, many riders still sadly end up with brain and head injuries, which can have life-changing effects.

Brain injury claims require specialist knowledge and choosing a solicitor can mean that you might miss out on the help and compensation to which you’re entitled.

Cyclinglawyer’s experienced solicitors can help you get the help you need when you need it, and the settlement that will enable you to start rebuilding your life.


What help is available?

When you’ve suffered a serious head injury early pro-active intervention is key. While early NHS treatment can be second to none, at Cyclinglawyer, we engage brain injury professionals to make sure the private and public sectors provide the most effective possible long term rehabilitation.

We engage case management services to help you as you recover and we can ensure you get help with home adaptations and returning to work, where that’s suitable.

What is case management?

We know that when you’ve suffered a head injury there is lots to take in, at a time when the nature of the injury means that you’re likely to be cognitively impaired.

Case management is usually provided by a specialised nurse or occupational therapist and can help you to navigate both the rehabilitation process, and the legal process, so you can focus on your recovery.

Will I have to pay for case management?

No. We seek interim payments from the defendant insurer to pay for case management. We also encourage direct funding under the Rehabilitation Code.

How much can I claim for after a brain injury?

Brain injury claims can lead to some of the largest settlements, though sadly this a is a reflection of the fact that they can have the greatest impact on the lives of the injured person, and their family.

Valuing your claim will be an in-depth process and we will instruct senior medical experts to evidence the exact nature of your injuries and their effects. We will also instruct technical experts to assess your accommodation and transportation needs, your care package, and ongoing private medical costs.

Our brain injury specialists will explore every element of your claim to make sure you have the money to maintain your quality of life.

Why should I instruct Cyclinglawyer?

The compensation you get will be the result of combining the value the court puts on your injuries, but just as importantly, who the court holds liable for the accident. It’s extremely common for the court to split liability between both parties and if you are held partly at fault, that percentage is deducted from your damages.

This means that you need a solicitor who specialises in brain injuries, but also who is going to have an in-depth knowledge of cycling accidents and how to ensure you succeed in full. At Cyclinglawyer we are both.

Will a claim affect my benefits?

It may, though we can help prevent that. The law normally allows for large sums of money to be taken into account when you are assessed for means-tested benefits, even when that money is paid to you as a result of a life-changing injury, and is intended for a specific use.

This can be avoided through the use of a Personal Injury Trust. We can advise when this is needed and arrange for a PI trust to be set up in order to protect your damages for what they were intended.

Can I claim on behalf of someone else?

Yes. If the injured person isn’t able to deal with their own claim then a claim can be brought on their behalf (usually, but not always, by a family member).

How soon should you start a claim?

Early intervention is key, so as soon as possible.

If you or someone you love has suffered a brain injury when cycling, call one of our specialist solicitors for a no-obligation consolation as to how we can help.

Talk to one of our Cycling Accident Claims Solicitors

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